Welcome Seekers

The universe has guided you here for a reason.  You can call it chance, luck, guidance, or synchronicity, but for some reason, your path has aligned with mine and now, we are connected.

My space is a medium for truth, transformation, and love.

You search for knowledge, freedom, perspective, personal power, healing, and purpose – I aspire to deliver the magic you seek.

So many people are only willing to touch the surface levels of life.  They are afraid to awaken to the truth;  Staying limited to only what they know, rather than what they are capable of.

They become trapped in a state of fear and ego, ignoring their intuitive compass, and never fully aware of their power.

A spiritual breakthrough is the only way to connect to the divine wisdom you hold – a mind, body, and spiritual transformation.

I desire to guide you towards mental, physical, and spiritual transformation, so you can finally discover your truth, power, and purpose!


In ancient texts, my name means “defender of mankind” [ read more ]

For as long as I can remember, I’ve had a deep desire to understand cosmic law and order.  I’ve always been intrigued by psychology, mysticism, esoteric text, health, healing, witchcraft, astrology – the list goes on.

Subconsciously, I’d continuously question EVERYTHING – How can we push the boundaries of human potential?

That makes me dark + dangerous in a world that pities wonder + curiosity.  I can’t disagree, I am a Scorpio after all.

As a Scorpio, I am filled with alchemist energy, helping others transmute old habits, patterns, and subconscious beliefs so we can be empowered to live a life we are passionate about!

I love the transformational cycles of death and rebirth.

I deeply understand the universal balance between light and dark energy.

Many fear the power of the dark, but I embrace it – just like I do with the light.

As you can see, I am passionate about teaching both light work and shadow work.  They are both essential in the process of transformation.

Because experience has been my greatest teacher – I have learned how to embrace the shadows within me, and the shadows within you.


Learn more About▽Me

witch mermaid alexa

1/2 Witch

1/2 Mermaid

I’m a strange combination of the two.



As a water sign, I’ve always felt a belonging to the ocean.  I love freedom, depth, and anything that sparkles!



I love dark shit. I’m bewitched by the night, the paranormal, black magic, mystery, serial killers, and psychology.