The way in which we all handle stress, negative experiences, or trauma differentiates from person to person, but will fall into one of two categories – Increasing one’s energy and attention in order to fight the stress, or decreasing it in order to withdraw from the situation. This results in an excessive or deficient coping strategy.
There is an important distinction between the two basic kinds of chakra imbalances:
Excessive Chakra: Overcompensating for loss and damage by focusing excessively on a specific issue – usually in a dysfunctional way that remains overcrowded and overactive.
Example: A densely overweight person may have an excessive 1st chakra, using body weight to feel protected and grounded.
Deficient Chakra: Avoidance leads to a deficient chakra – a deficient (or underactive) chakra restricts energy and remains cramped, empty, and overprotective.
Example: A person who feels powerless may have a deficient 3rd chakra, and will avoid anything that could cause conflict.
Understanding the two kinds of imbalances, you will learn that if you are deficient in one chakra, you will overcompensate (be excessive) in another chakra.
For example: If a person is deficient in their first chakra, it is likely they will be excessive in their upper chakras.
Having consistent excessive and/or deficient chakras will eventually result in dysfunctional behavior and health problems. They both restrict the flow of energy through the system and block complete expression of both the liberating and manifesting currents.
1st Chakra – Do you struggle with obesity, hoarding, workaholism, or greed?
2nd Chakra – Are you overly emotional, have sexual addictions, obsessive attachments or poor boundaries?
3rd Chakra – Are you overly dominating, controlling, aggressive or constantly active?
4th Chakra – Do you struggle with codependency, being possessive, jealous or have poor boundaries?
5th Chakra – Do you excessively talk or gossip, find yourself stuttering or find it hard to listen?
6th Chakra – Do you have frequent headaches, nightmares, delusions or find it difficult to concentrate?
7th Chakra – Are you overly intellectual, have spiritual or religious addictions or dissociate with your surroundings?
Deficient Traits
1st Chakra – Are you fearful, undisciplined, restless or struggle with anxiety?
2nd Chakra – Do you feel emotionally numb, fearful of pleasure, or helpless?
3rd Chakra – Are you fearful, passive, weak-willed or struggle with self confidence?
4th Chakra – Do you feel shy, alone, critical or lack empathy?
5th Chakra – Do you fear to speak the truth or have poor rhythm?
6th Chakra – Do you have poor memory, vision, imagination or are in denial?
7th Chakra – Do you have learning difficulties, spiritual skepticism, limited beliefs, materialism or unresponsive to your surroundings?
As you learn the chakra system and become aware of your imbalances, you will begin to realize that the chakras work in unison. While you focus on releasing energy from an excessive chakra, it may be more beneficial to instead, strengthen a deficient chakra.
For example: Someone who always seeks love through relationships (excessive heart chakra) can focus more on their emotional state and seeking pleasures in life (deficient 2nd chakra)
Which chakras are excessive + deficient will always fluctuate throughout life. Sometimes, an excessive chakra can even feed a deficient chakra. Try using your “strengths” to feed your “weaknesses”
For example: Someone who is a strong visualizer can use that same strength to imagine (and create) a healthier body (1st chakra).