Transform Your Life with the Power of the 7 Chakras

blog chakra title headerThe chakras are an ancient understanding of our ever-expanding states of consciousness.  A chakra is a center of organization that receives, assimilates and expresses life force energy!  We all have 7 major chakras that correlate with the basic states of consciousness.

The Sanskrit word “chakra” means “disc” or “wheel of light” referring to pure energy points or nodes in the “subtle body”.

The chakras can be measured as electromagnetic force fields within and around all living creatures

In the same way that the body has organs, the chakras are the organs of the luminous energy field.  Each relates to a specific color and vibrational frequency.  

These vital life forces reflect an aspect of consciousness essential to our lives, including our spiritual, emotional, intellectual and physical needs.

Chakras are typically depicted as a lotus flower, each one having a different number of petals; The number of petals connects to the frequency each energy center vibrates at.


What I love about understanding these metaphysical concepts is that they can be used in understanding every aspect of our life!  Whether it’s physical health or malfunctions, emotions, childhood trauma, career, your passions, relationships, disease to law of attraction – all of these can be healed or pursued with the knowledge of the chakras!

{ If you are new or unfamiliar to the metaphysical world and chakras, give yourself time to assimilate each one, starting with the 1st chakra }

blog chakra 1


Sanskrit: Muladhara (root)

Color: Red

Location: Base of spine, coccygeal plexus

Body Parts: Legs, bones, feet, rectum, colon, kidneys

Endocrine Glands: Adrenal glands

Element: Earth

Central Issue: Survival

Orientation to Self: Self-preservation

Goals: Stability, grounding, physical health, property, trust

Rights: To be here

Demon: Fear

Signs of imbalance: Depression, anxiety, negativity, and eating disorders

Identity: Physical identity

Learn more about the 1st Chakra here

blog chakra 2


Sanskrit: Svadhisthana (sweetness)

Color: Orange

Location: Abdomen, genitals, lower back, hips

Body Parts: Ovaries, testicles, kidneys, uterus, lymphatic system

Endocrine Glands: Sex glands

Element: Water

Central Issue: Sexuality and Emotions

Orientation to Self: Self-gratification

Goals: Fluidity, pleasure, healthy sexuality, feeling

Rights: To feel

Demon: Guilt

Signs of imbalance: Inner conflict, sexual obsessions or resistance, infertility, overly emotional

Identity: Emotional identity

Learn more about the 2nd Chakra here

which chakra

blog chakra 3


Sanskrit: Manipura (lustrous gem)

Color: Yellow

Location: Solar Plexus (Stomach and Gut)

Body Parts: Digestive system, pancreas, metabolism

Endocrine Glands: Pancreas gland

Element: Fire

Central Issue: Power and will

Orientation to Self: Self-definition

Goals: Vitality, spontaneity, strength of will, purpose, self-esteem

Rights: To act

Demon: Shame

Signs of imbalance: Low self-esteem, lack of willpower, inability to make decisions, and anger

Identity: Ego identity

Learn more about the 3rd Chakra here

blog chakra 4


Sanskrit: Anahata (unstuck)

Color: Green

Location: Heart area

Body Parts: Heart, blood circulation, lungs, breasts, lymphatic system

Endocrine Glands: Thymus gland

Element: Air

Central Issue: Love and relationships 

Orientation to Self: Self-acceptance

Goals: Balance, compassion, self-acceptance, good relationships

Rights: To love and be loved

Demon: Grief

Signs of imbalance: Heart break, anger, breathing problems, congestion

Identity: Social identity

Learn more about the 4th Chakra here

blog chakra 5


Sanskrit: Vissudha (purification)

Color: Blue

Location: Throat

Body Parts: Throat, mouth, tongue, thyroid, jaw, neck, larynx

Endocrine Glands: Thyroid gland

Element: Sound

Central Issue: Communication

Orientation to Self: Self-expression

Goals: Clear communication, creativity, resonance

Rights: To speak and be heard

Demon: Lies

Signs of imbalance: Dificulty with communication, lies, no trust

Identity: Creative identity

Learn more about the 5th chakra here

blog chakra 6


Sanskrit: Ajna (to perceive)

Color: Indigo

Location: Brow or center of forehead

Body Parts: eyes, ears, head, brain

Endocrine Glands: Pineal and Pituitary glands

Element: Light

Central Issue: Intuition and imagination

Orientation to Self: Self-reflection

Goals: Psychic perception, accurate interpretation, imagination, clear seeing

Rights: To see

Demon: Illusion

Signs of imbalance: Headaches, poor eyesight, excessive forgetfulness, lack of concentration

Identity: Archetypal identity

Learn more about the 6th chakra here

blog chakra 7


Sanskrit: Sahasrara (thousandfold)

Color: Purple

Location: Top of head, cerebral cortex

Body Parts: upper part of the brain

Endocrine Glands: Pineal, Pituitary, Hypothalamus gland

Element: Thought

Central Issue: Awareness

Orientation to Self: Self-knowledge

Goals: Wisdom, knowledge, consciousness, spiritual connection 

Rights: To know

Demon: Attachment

Signs of imbalance: Depression, loss of faith and spirituality

Identity: Universal identity

Learn more about the 7th chakra here


blog chakra healing

You can heal any imbalances of the chakras in a variety of ways –

  • Verbally through discussion
  • Physically through work with your body and movement
  • Food + herbs
  • Spiritually through meditation
  • Mantras + Mudras
  • Emotionally by exploring your feelings
  • Visually through images
  • Using crystals and aromatherapy
  • Aurally through sounds
  • Through the practice of Reiki
  • Actualized through outer-world tasks that strengthens specific areas of your life
  • Tool kits such as a Chakra Box

As you learn the chakra system and become aware of your imbalances, you will begin to realize that the chakras work in unison.  While you focus on releasing energy from an excessive chakra, it may be more beneficial to instead, strengthen a deficient chakra.





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