Numerology: 2019 New Year Vibrations

FINALLY, we have entered a 3 Universal Year! 2019 brings expansion to us both individually and as a collective.  It’s related to our 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus) – meaning, it will be a year of action, determination, communication & ultimately stepping into your power.

Numerology: Discover Your Life Path

Mathematics might not have been your favorite subject in school, but what we weren’t told is the fact that mathematics is the language of our universe.  All creation can be explained in mathematical terms.  It is a solid, pure, and consistent system.

5 Easy Ways to Balance Your Crown Chakra

The goal of the Crown Chakra is to awaken our consciousness on each and every level of our human potential.  This awakening is aided by the act of questioning.  Too often we accept our programming without questioning, and therefore, without consciousness. Here are the 5 ways to quickly bring balance to your Crown Chakra

5 Easy Ways to Balance Your Third Eye Chakra

Being the center of inner perception and insight, the gift of the third eye chakra is seeing – both inner and outer worlds.  The energy of this chakra promotes the experience of clear thought, as well as spiritual contemplation and self reflection.

How to Transform Pain into Healing with a Chakra Box

My physical health started spiraling out of control 2 years ago – I struggled with acne, food allergies, nausea, and insomnia.  It didn’t help that within my inner circle, I was a witness to my family + friends falling victim to severe allergies, inability to reproduce, obesity, heart disease, diabetes, nerve damage, other chronic diseases, and even cancer.

Transform Your Life with the Power of the 7 Chakras

The chakras are an ancient understanding of our ever-expanding states of consciousness. A chakra is a center of organization that receives, assimilates and expresses life force energy! We all have 7 major chakras that correlate with the basic states of consciousness.